Tiya is a very beautiful and friendly dog who is going to give birth any second.
Unfortunately, however, her tummy is so big that she has trouble doing some everyday tasks, such as walking and sleeping.
But, Tiya isn’t stressed too much as she is surrounded by an incredible family who takes care of her and ensure that her life is as comfortable as can be.
Luckily, her struggles came to an end rather soon as Tiya went into labor!
The Babies Are Coming

When beautiful Tiya went into labor, the puppies just kept on coming.
Initially, she gave birth to eight puppies, and then came four more, making it 12 in total – six boys and six girls.
14 hours after going into labor, Tiya had delivered 15 beautiful puppies all in perfect health. She is now a proud mama of eight girls and seven boys!

Tiya is an incredible mom who knows what she is doing. Whenever it is time for a nap, she makes sure that her babies aren’t squished together by checking every single one of them.
Being in such a healthy and happy environment, the pups were growing big and strong very fast. After two weeks, Tiya’s hooman decided that even though she was doing an excellent job herself, she could use some help with feeding them.

All Grown Up
A month after their birth, the puppies were finally old enough to get out of their room and explore around the house for a bit.
They also paid a visit to an adopter center that would help them find forever homes when they were ready.
They were finally able to spend some time outside, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air.

After 40 incredible days of their lives, the puppies are finally old enough to be adopted.
I am sure that they will find a forever home that will ensure that these beautiful puppies have the best life full of loving hoomans, fun adventures, and cozy playdates!

Doggos and Hoomans
This story is one of many that prove just how important hoomans are in a dog’s life.
Tiya’s hooman did so much to ensure that she had the most comfortable birth as well as help her take care of her litter after they were born.
Besides Tiya, there are so many other dogs who are in similar situations and would love a forever or even a foster home that would show them that they are not alone in this world.
With this being said, if you are able to, please head down to your local shelter and offer a helping hand to a pup who needs it.
Trust me – it will mean the world to them.