Nothing makes a dog as happy as a true hug from its favorite human. It has even been scientifically proven that at that moment, the canine happiness hormone is at its peak.
Unfortunately, many dogs are not lucky enough to have someone like that. Some simply have no owner and are forced to live alone, either in a shelter or on the street, while others have callous and even cruel owners.
A dog encountered by a big-hearted passerby also belongs to that category. At that moment, the poor furry fellow was tied to a fence, and his sad look was obviously a reflection of an unhappy life.
However, his mood suddenly changed when he saw this woman approaching him.
An Absolute Joy Of Human Interaction

A woman named Bev Arlene was walking down the street when she suddenly saw a motionless dog in the distance. She decided to come closer to him and was heartbroken when she saw that this poor fellow was tied to the fence.
Although there was a container for food and water near him, there was not a single person nearby, and his sad look indicated that no one had even petted him in a long time.
It was a heartbreaking sight for this woman, but what quickly cheered her up was his reaction when he saw her approaching him.

This dog just couldn’t contain himself and his sad look was instantly replaced by a big smile on his face.
Bev Arlene couldn’t help but record this heartwarming scene, and she shared the video with her TikTok followers via her profile, @bevarlene.
The culmination of love and positive emotions followed when she finally reached the dog and hugged him. As can be seen in the video, it was so intense that even all those watching could feel the emotion as if they were in his embrace.
The comments of numerous TikTok users only confirmed this.
Viewers’ Heartwarming Reactions
As you can already guess, this video attracted a lot of attention, and there were numerous reactions to it.
However, we decided to highlight just a few of the most interesting comments.

“I think that puppy has chosen you. you know now what you must do.” one user wrote.
“He loves you. You are his one joy” another added.
And the third quipped: “I will literally pay you to rescue him!!”
As you can see, many begged this woman to adopt the dog. Unfortunately, we don’t know if that actually happened, but we do know that this video, in addition to producing heartwarming reactions, also raised awareness of the problems our furry friends face.
One of the biggest problems is tying them up, and this dog’s reaction best shows how they feel when they are in that situation and away from human touch.