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Sweet Dog Kicked Out Of Her Home Cried In Hopes That Her Owner Would Let Her Back In

Sweet Dog Kicked Out Of Her Home Cried In Hopes That Her Owner Would Let Her Back In

When I read dog stories, I am reminded over and over again just how much good is in this world and that we need more people like this.

However, I am also reminded every time just how much cruelty exists and how people mistreat animals almost all the time.

It’s hard to understand why this happens. This sweet Pittie is a prime example of this. Before being kicked out of the house, she went through severe trauma.

Then, when the owners decided that they didn’t want anything to do with her anymore, they just kicked her out of the house.

Peppermint Is Healing

The dog is standing by the window
Source: Animal Rescue

After being kicked out, this sweet pup cried and tried to get back inside, but there was no point. Her owners didn’t care for her and they were willing to let her starve.

That’s when a group of Good Samaritans saw what happened and they immediately reported the case to a group of rescuers in California.

They took the pup, now named Peppermint, and saved her. After examining her closely, they couldn’t believe the condition she was in.

She had multiple lacerations on her face, which were a clear sign of abuse. This was one of the most shocking things I have seen and I just can’t believe that someone could be this cruel to a sweet dog.

white dog sitting on the carpet
Source: Animal Rescue

When the veterinarians examined her, they realized that she had ulcerated mammary tumors and that was not a good sign.

She was sent to a private clinic for X-rays. They are hoping that the doctor will be able to treat her condition and recover fully.

She is an eight-year-old dog, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is a happy pup despite all the trauma she endured.

Peppermint’s Recovery

white dog with black glasses
Source: Animal Rescue

In the care of her rescuers and the veterinarians, she would get better in so many ways. The lacerations on her face were beginning to fade away and her mood drastically improved.

Because she went through so much, her rescuers decided to train her and help her learn how to live a normal life. She was always eager to learn and that was inspiring to see.

She became friends with her rescuers and veterinarians and she got much more energetic as time went on. 

Peppermint also had very sensitive eyes, so her rescuers would try to protect her vision by giving her goggles to wear whenever she could.

a woman takes a picture with a white dog
Source: Animal Rescue

With so many wonderful people around her, how could she not recover? She is just the happiest doggo now and everyone is so proud of her.

The transformation she underwent was an incredible one and that is the most important thing. Now that she is a completely different dog, she can live in a warm home with someone special.

While we don’t know what happens next in her story, or if one of her rescuers has adopted her, it’s clear that Peppermint is in good hands and I have no doubt that she is living her best life now wherever she is.