Every dog owner has probably wished at some point that their pupper could talk.
Imagine how much easier and more fun life would be if your pup could come up and tell you exactly what they need or even tell you a little joke.
Well, Luna, the Pit Bull that you are about to meet today, maybe can’t talk like humans, but that doesn’t stop her from pulling off hilarious prank calls and bringing up everybody’s day.
Her antics are so hilarious that they will most likely leave you wondering what she’ll come up with next!
One Vocal Pup

Luna’s favorite thing to do includes talking to her hoomans, letting them know exactly what her opinion is on certain things.
However, talking to the same hoomans over and over again can kind of be boring after a while, so she came up with the idea to call other hoomans and have a little chat. Unfortunately, it seemed like her callers didn’t really pick up what she was saying.
Is This The Pet Store?
At first, she decided to call a local pet store and ask them if they were selling some cat poop.
But as soon as the worker heard her beautiful voice, she burst out into laughter and explained that they didn’t have what she was looking for.
Disappointed and confused as to why she was laughing, Luna decided to try and call somebody else.
I Would Like To Be An Unicorn, Please

Unfortunately, her next caller, the groomer, didn’t really give Luna what she wanted either.
Even though Luna was clearly asking to be turned into a unicorn, the worker again started laughing at her, thinking that she was joking.
Luna wasn’t really impressed by her reaction.
“This is amazing!” exclaimed the worker.
Feeling Much Better
Luna then remembered that she had a vet appointment booked because she wasn’t feeling so good the other day. But since she was doing much better now, she didn’t need a checkup anymore.
When the vet tech answered the phone, Luna informed her that she was no longer sick and that she wouldn’t be coming in tomorrow.
However, the vet tech immediately recognized her soothing voice and confirmed the appointment, knowing how important her health was.
I’ll Stick To My Hoomans
Finding out how hard it was to communicate with others, Luna decided that from now on, she would stick to talking with her hoomans.
It seems to her that they truly do understand her the best.