Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
Yup, that’s how these 7 dog breeds start their conversations!
Being a thick-coated dog and living somewhere with hot summers isn’t easy at all. I feel sorry for those poor Huskies in Cali, or Samoyeds in Texas. Trust me, I’ve seen these breeds all over the States!
People don’t really realize that not every breed is cut out to live somewhere with extreme temperatures. Not every breed can easily cool down and act like it’s not 100 degrees outside.
Those breeds, no matter how gorgeous they are or how much in love with them you are, should stay somewhere with long winters.
Now, I’m not saying you should move to Alaska if you’re a huge Husky fan, but still… Maybe a change of environment is just what you need!
Just kidding, guys! Nobody is moving here!
But, these dogs might run away if you live in a warm place and they’ve got a double coat that they just can’t get rid off.
1. The Siberian Husky, Duh!

I once had to talk out a friend of mine from getting a Husky. At the time, he was living in Florida and he was so nuts about Huskies. He desperately wanted one!
It took me days to get him to understand me.
Eventually, he did get a Husky, but he moved to Washington and it was a win-win situation.
Siberian Huskies are dogs native to icy-cold temperatures. There’s not a lot of sunshine in Siberia – the land of their origin. That’s why Siberian Huskies have a coat designed to fit their native land.
These dogs are double-coated, with a thick undercoat that provides warmth, and a coarse top layer that repels water.
Huskies are super active dogs and they won’t do well in hot temperatures. There’s an extremely high risk of such dogs getting overheated and suffering from a heat stroke.
While some double-coated dogs can spend time outside when it’s hot, supported by lots of water, Huskies don’t fall into that category.
It’s better to keep them if you’re living somewhere with mild summers and cold winters. So, southern states aren’t an option, but the north loves Huskies!
2. His Royal Fluffiness, The Samoyed

They’re hand in hand with Huskies, and they’re not huge fans of hot summers either.
Samoyeds have a wooly undercoat and a coarse top coat. Much like Huskies, they have a coat to keep them warm in harsh conditions. Samoyeds share the same land of origin as Huskies do.
They, too, are from Russian Siberia, and they were even created to blend in with all that white snow.
It’s not easy to deal with a Samoyed when it’s hot outside. For starters, their wooly coat doesn’t allow them to cool down and just jump into a refreshing pool. It’s super difficult to dry them and groom them, especially in the summer when all Sammy wants to do is take dips in the pool.
Although they’re ideal for harsh winters since their coat protects them from the cold, Sammies are still better in summers than Huskies. Their coat also provides them protection from the sun and UV rays.
3. Another Thick-Coated Pup, The Chow Chow

It’s no surprise that Chow Chows have found a place on this list, too.
As some experts claim, Chow Chows are one of the oldest breeds in the world, dating back some 2,000 years in the past. Some even say that Chow Chows come from the Arctic belt of Asia and that they migrated down to Mongolia and China.
Samoyeds and Huskies have a thick coat, but a Chow Chow’s is even thicker and fluffier. If you put them under the hot summer sun, it would feel like they’re wearing a thermal jacket in 100 F! The Chow Chow’s coat works as an insulator.
These dogs have extra high risks of getting a heat stroke. So, please – if you still live in an area where it’s hot, and you own a Chow Chow, make sure you don’t go outside when it’s too hot. Keep your dog hydrated, refreshed, and well-groomed and prepped for the summer.
4. Surprise, Surprise, The English Bulldog

Hah, I knew you’d think that only fluffy dogs with a super thick coat belong on this list. Well, other dogs with a normal coat can still suffer a lot in the summer.
The English Bulldog is one of those surprises, but it’s not the coat that makes their summers intolerable.
Dogs like our English Bully are brachycephalic dogs, meaning that these dogs have a flat face. Breathing is hard for them. They often snore, snort, and have difficulties, especially if they also suffer from allergies.
In addition, English Bulldogs suffer from BOAS (or Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome).
That’s why English Bullies find summer the worst season. Keep them away from the frying hot sun, preferably in the shade next to a refreshing kiddie pool.
5. His Smaller Buddy, The Pug, Too

Just like their bigger buddies, English Bulldogs, Pugs are also dogs that just hate when temperatures outside rise.
Sure, Pugs don’t have a thick coat, but they’re also brachycephalic dogs. Everything that was said about English Bulldogs can be applied to Pugs, too.
However, there’s one more thing that makes Pugs quite undesirable dogs for hot climates.
Pugs are one of those dogs that are highly prone to becoming obese. Obesity, a small body, and high temperatures just don’t go well together, and Pugs know that very well.
6. Smol Floof, The Pomeranian

They might be cute, small, and fluffy, but Pom Poms still come with a huge disadvantage: their inability to live somewhere with hot summers.
Pomeranians are one of the smallest dog breeds, but their issue with the heat is definitely bigger than they are. As double-coated dogs, Pomeranians really can’t seem to find a way to cool down when the temperatures are over 100 F.
Their coat is super thick, and it should not be shaved in order for the dog to cool down. If you do shave a Pomeranian, rest assured that your poor buddy will have further issues with the coat growing back the way it was before.
Please don’t do that.
On top of everything, Pomeranians have a short muzzle. Technically, they’re not like Pugs and Bullies, but they still have issues with breathing when it’s too hot to handle.
7. Yakutian Laika

Lastly, we have a dog breed that you probably didn’t remember on your own. Still, the Yakutian Laika has every right to end up on this list because much like Huskies and Samoyeds, the Laika comes from Siberia, too!
We can say with every right that these dogs are native to the Arctic area. Naturally, they wouldn’t do well in a climate with hot summers.
Please reconsider your decision of getting this gorgeous dog if you live anywhere outside of states like Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Vermont, etc.