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Desperate Dog Begged A Woman To Follow Her Because Somebody Desperately Needed Help

Desperate Dog Begged A Woman To Follow Her Because Somebody Desperately Needed Help

It is a very rare instance to see a stray or abandoned dog who still retains his very friendly and cheerful personality.

Most of them get so bogged down by life’s struggles that they end up depressed and lose all hope for a better life. This is the sad reality for most dogs.

However, every once in a while, a kind person will walk into a dog’s life and show them that they are worthy of love and care. 

For this sweet dog, the situation was different. She was a very friendly dog who just wanted help and she wasn’t afraid to ask for it. This kind woman spotted the dog and soon realized that the pup was asking her to follow her.

A Very Friendly Mama Dog

woman holding four puppies
Source: Youtube

After finding the dog on a deserted street, the woman decided to follow her. They walked for about a minute, and then she saw something surprising.

She was a mom and had puppies who all ran toward the kind woman to greet her. Because their mom was there, they felt safe to approach her.

The woman tried to show them that she was friendly and only wanted to help. They were all completely relaxed in her presence.

three dogs sleeping
Source: Youtube

After she spent some time with them trying to get to know them better, the woman took them to see a veterinarian.

They determined that the mama dog and her puppies were malnourished, but otherwise didn’t have any major health problems.

The veterinarians kept them on a strict diet and they were starting to recover. They gained a lot of strength, and that meant the puppies were doing zoomies around the shelter all the time.

A Certain Future For The Family

three dogs lying together in bed
Source: Youtube

They were always playful, and it was rare to see them ever stop unless they were sleeping. It was really wholesome for their rescuer to see.

Their weight would start going up and the puppies were also growing really fast. Changes were happening all the time. 

In order to help them learn how life in a home feels like, their amazing rescuer made the decision to foster them in her own house.

This was great, as they got to feel their lives changing day by day with something interesting happening all the time.

white dog on the floor
Source: Youtube

With their health improving, this meant that all of them could soon go to their forever homes, so the kind woman signed them up for adoption.

In no time, applications started piling up and the future of this family started to look more certain. They were all going to be adopted.

One by one, all of the puppies, including their mom, were taken into a beautiful home with a wonderful family. They all got a chance to live their lives with someone truly amazing.