We often say that a dog is man’s best friend, and not without reason. In essence, there are countless good reasons for this claim, and one of the most important is that a canine’s love for a beloved human is unlimited, just like his loyalty.
Although people often don’t know how to appreciate it enough, we watch videos and read stories that prove just that every day. Yet today’s story breaks out of the norm and is one of those that leaves you breathless.
It revolves around a disabled dog who did something that, believe it or not, saved his owner’s life.
His Biggest Inspiration

A 61-year-old former retail manager from Monroe County, Georgia, named Andrew Kuzyk, has been struggling with health issues for a long time since he was diagnosed with his first tumor many years ago.
Since then, he has had a few of them, and not so long ago, he fell ill with the worst form – terminal brain cancer.
In all his suffering, Andrew’s biggest support was his wife and his furry companion, who recently became a new member of their family. This now two-year-old dog was born without two front legs, but that didn’t stop him from living life to the fullest.
That’s exactly why Champ, as they named him, became Andrew’s greatest inspiration. Over time, Champ and his dad became best pals – in fact, they were inseparable.
However, as much as he loved him, Andrew himself could not even dream that his doggo would soon do the greatest thing for him – save his life.
A Cry For Life

That day, while watching TV with his furry friend on his lap, Andrew felt that something was wrong with his body. According to Newsweek, he felt his chest tighten, which was followed by increasing pain in the same area. Poor Andrew suffered a heart attack.
“My health has not been good, and I was already disabled before the heart attack,” he said. “[But] the heart attack came out of the blue.”
His wife was not there at that moment and couldn’t even notice what was happening, and therefore, could not help him. But that’s why there was Champ, who didn’t wait a moment to help his beloved dad.
“I felt my chest tighten, and Champ, sensing something was wrong, lay on my chest, whimpering more as the pain increased,” Andrew said.
The loud cries of this dog quickly reached Andrew’s wife, who immediately called an ambulance in Monroe County, Georgia. It would soon turn out that this quick reaction was crucial in saving Andrew’s life.
And if it wasn’t for Champ and his loud cries, who knows if there would even be a need for any reaction at all?
The Immense Love

Although the operation and the initial phase of recovery were not at all easy, Andrew came out of everything victorious, and his biggest support was the one because whom he was still alive.
However, even though we can clearly see that the dog is ready to do everything for his favorite human, this case is still a bit unbelievable.
This is because there are cardiac alert service dogs that are specifically trained to detect changes in heart rate and blood pressure, and two-year-old disabled dog Champ was not one of them.
If Champ was not “trained” for this “occupation”, then the question is how did he manage to recognize that his owner’s life was in danger? The only “logical” answer is the immense love that gave birth to a strong bond between this man and his doggo.
The word “logical” is deliberately placed under supposed signs because there seems to be no logic there, and yet everything is somehow in its place.
Only true love can produce such a miracle, and this story is the best proof of that.