All Winnie ever wanted was a friend.
Sadly, due to her disability, all she could ever get were temporary daycare hangouts with other dogs, and that was about it. She could never establish a steady friendship.
Despite her happy-go-lucky nature, there was always this tiny piece of the puzzle missing in her life… until Marley showed up and changed everything for the better!
Struggling Since Puppyhood

Winnie came into Emily’s life as a rescue dog. She had suffered a severe back injury as a puppy, which resulted in partial leg disability.
Emily stumbled upon her at her vet’s and agreed to foster her until she was ready to find a permanent home. Little did she know that Winnie’s true home was right with her! Within months, the two formed a beautiful bond and Winnie ultimately became a foster fail.
For some time, Winnie was able to wobble and move without help, until one day she just stopped.

“When I first started fostering Winnie she could get around with the cutest little wobbly walk. Then one day, she sat down and didn’t get up. That is where our journey to get her mobile again began,” Emily wrote on Instagram.
Emily’s endless efforts to get Winnie back on track resulted in her receiving her very first wheelchair. The two spent months on physical therapy, water exercises, and simply adjusting to life in a wheelchair.
Still, one thing was missing – Winnie had no other furry friends! Despite her outgoing nature, she found it hard to establish a long-term connection with other dogs, especially given her condition.
But, one day, all that changed!

When her mom brought Marley home to foster, the two immediately hit it off. And, it was right then that Emily knew that this wasn’t a temporary situation.
Here Comes The Soulmate, Marley

Marley and Winnie became best friends right off the bat. It was as if the two had known each other forever. And more importantly, Marley didn’t mind Winnie’s wheelchair at all.
The two played tug of war, ran together, and literally spent every single minute together. Marley filled Winnie’s life with joy and happiness, making her dream of having a friend come true.
When needed, she even acted as her older sister, helping her move and push her when she needed to be pushed. Recently, their mom posted a heartwarming video of Marley helping Winnie get out of a sand trap, and it was the cutest thing ever.
“A friend is always there to pull you up when you’re feeling down! Or pull you out of a sand trap. Whichever is needed most,” Emily wrote.
Although she was meant to be a foster and already had an adopter in New Jersey, it became impossible to separate her from her new sister. Consequently, the adopter decided to withdraw her application.
“Marley’s adoptive mom sent me a message and said she could not separate them. While she was heartbroken about it, she just couldn’t live with herself if she broke off their bond! So Winnie got a new sibling and I truly think they are soul sisters,” Emily wrote on Instagram.
Just like that, Emily ended up with two foster fails who fit perfectly into her life.
Today, the two are happier than ever, making each and every day in their Mississippi home a memorable adventure.
It is safe to say that neither Marley nor Winnie can imagine their lives without each other anymore. They’re soulmates, the best buds in the world, and the epitome of perfect sisters.