We all know that dogs love to live in a warm home with someone special who will take care of them for the rest of their lives.
However, it’s not always easy to find them a forever family. Sometimes, they have to wait patiently or live in a foster home, and that is also very important.
With foster parents, they can learn how to behave properly and experience the love and warmth of a forever home until the time comes for them to find their special person.
Something similar happened to Sookie, a pregnant frenchie who was with Animal Pad rescuers. She really needed a foster home and actually got lucky one day when someone amazing took care of that problem.
She Can Finally Relax

When Sookie was first in the shelter, she had wonderful people taking care of her, but because of her pregnancy, it would be much better for her to be in a home.
That’s when one of the shelter staff at Animal Pad contacted her parents and asked them if they wanted to foster Sookie until she was ready to find a forever home.
They obviously agreed and this is where her new adventure began. After she gave birth, she was taken to her foster home in California and was able to finally relax for a little bit.

Her amazing foster parents prepared a spot where she would be able to relax and enjoy herself. They also created a small place for the puppies where they would always be safe.
Their mom was very protective of them, even though she knew she was safe in the care of these amazing people.
She was a good mom and would always watch over them to make sure nothing bad happened. Her foster parents were a little concerned at first.

They never had to take care of newborn puppies and this was a very normal fear to have. It’s not an easy task.
However, they did a remarkable job and quickly fell in love with this little dog family. They decided to name the puppies.
They were called Rory, Miss Patty, Kirk, and Luke. They were beautiful names, and the puppies were slowly getting used to them.
Amazing News For Sookie

At first, Sookie’s foster parents worried about her puppies not being able to feed properly, but she had absolutely no problems with that.
The kind couple took turns doing tasks with the dog family. Sookie’s foster dad would watch over them in the morning and their mom later on in the day.
Within weeks, the puppies grew up so much and are already opening their eyes and starting to move fast. It is incredible.

They would gradually move away from their little spot and start exploring the house. Later on, when that wasn’t enough, they went outside for the first time.
The little puppies enjoyed their little adventure, and it looked like they were going to start playing outside a lot more from that moment on.
Because the puppies were now pretty big, they did not need to be with their mom at all times, and Sookie was now finally able to hang out with other Frenchies in the house.

While the puppies are not old enough to find a home yet, their mom, Sookie, met the most amazing family in California who wanted to give her a home.
They prepared a big adoption party as well, and it was clear that she was going to be well-cared for by her new parents. That was absolutely great news for her foster parents.
As for the puppies, we don’t know what happens next in their story, but I am absolutely confident that they will all find the perfect home in no time.