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Birthday Gift Mysteriously Vanished From Doorway But The Security Camera Revealed It All

Birthday Gift Mysteriously Vanished From Doorway But The Security Camera Revealed It All

Numerous police stations constantly warn of the danger of burglars in a house and theft of various types of property in front of the house. 

Recently, they have put emphasis on the theft of deliveries, which happens more often because people mostly do not pick up these packages on time. This creates additional space for thieves to commit crimes unhindered. 

A similar situation occurred in Southlake, Texas, when a birthday gift disappeared, but with one key difference. This time, the delivery in front of the house was not stolen by a human, but by one mischievous animal that could not resist the sweet contents of the package.

Unexpected Porch Pirate

On January 31, 2024, the Southlake Department of Public Safety (DPS) wrote a Facebook post about a theft that occurred in front of the family home of a department friend, Dr. M. 

The son of Dr. M celebrated his 15th birthday that day, and a family friend sent him a birthday present – a cookie delivery from Tiff’s Treats. However, at that moment, no one was at home, so the delivery man left the package in front of the door.

“The gift came a little late in the evening when the fam was probably out celebrating, so it went unnoticed into the night…” they wrote in the post. 

The next morning, the birthday boy excitedly rushed to that place to unwrap his present, but he was met with an unpleasant surprise. 

“Dr. M’s son was a little shocked the next morning when he saw a bag of Tiff’s Treats icing and a balloon, but no cookies,” they wrote. 

After a short search, they were unable to find out who the thief with a sweet tooth was, so they had only one option left to look at the footage from the surveillance camera. What they discovered there both shocked and excited them.

Although the boy was quite angry and disappointed because of this unfortunate event, what he saw on camera brought a smile back to his face. 

The video clearly shows that the little possum suddenly developed an appetite for sweets and could not resist taking advantage of this unique opportunity.

“Once in a while, a different sort of greedy little poacher comes by,” DPS jokingly wrote in a post.

Justice Served

Although nothing can absolve this possum of the responsibility for theft, it is still funny to see a little animal committing such a (mis)deed.

That’s exactly what the folks at Tiff’s Treats thought when they saw this video on social media. They immediately decided to take matters into their own hands and make sure that justice was served.

Unable to catch the possum, they decided to surprise the 15-year-old birthday boy by resending his birthday present to his home address in Southlake, Texas. Only such an unexpected scenario could have made this boy happier, and that’s exactly what happened.

woman holding a paper
Source: Southlake DPS

In the end, everyone was happy the possum satisfied his sweet cravings and the birthday boy still got his present

In addition, a hilarious story emerged that made many laugh. But, a message was also sent to everyone to be very careful with their belongings because danger is always lurking around the corner. 

This time, it was a cute little possum, but other times, it could be something much bigger and less cute.