When I heard Chance’s story for the first time, my heart shattered into pieces.
Ruthless people abused the doggo and dumped him in the trash. Feeling unloved and rejected, his eyes became dimmed with sorrow and heartbreak.
As Chance desperately tried to survive on scraps of food for months, he became so malnourished that he was barely clinging to life.
The pup gave up hope of being rescued. With a heavy heart, he curled up in the garbage and waited for his end.
Will anyone find him before it’s too late and give him a new chance at life?
The Pup Gets Rescued

A Good Samaritan who came across the broken pup took a photo of him and posted it on Facebook, asking for urgent help.
When Denisse Cheuca Garcia, one of the founders of D&A Animal Rescue, based in Magnolia, Texas, saw a photo of Chance, she was heartbroken.
The dog looked extremely weak and overwhelmed with fear.
The kind-hearted woman rushed to his rescue.
When she arrived at the location and saw Chance, her heart became heavy with sadness. He was only skin and bones.
The pup had injuries on his body and he didn’t have the strength to get up.
The moment the pup heard her approaching him, he raised his head and looked at her. His eyes were filled with hopelessness. He looked defeated.
Although the pup was distrustful of his rescuer, she managed to scoop him up and rush him to the vet.
Fighting For His Life

As soon as they reached the hospital, the vet examined him and ran the necessary tests. Chance had severe anemia and he was infested with heartworm.
His condition was serious.
The pup received a blood transfusion and the vet treated his wounds, which were most likely caused by an animal.
Chance began receiving treatment. He growled every time the vet team approached him. He was afraid of people.
His rescuer consoled him and stayed by his side.
Luckily, the treatment started working, and after spending a few days at the hospital, Chance was discharged.
Chance’s Road To Recovery

Garcia and her husband, Arturo Figeroa, brought him home and began taking care of him.
Chance had no strength in his legs. Each time he tries to walk, he could collapse on the floor.
As much as he needed to rest, Chance couldn’t relax, and he was always on alert. The pup was expecting something bad to happen.
It was obvious that apart from physical injuries, Chance had deep emotional scars. He trembled with fear and flinched whenever they tried to touch him.
Garcia and Figeroa showered him with positive words and pampered him with care.
The pup began eating and wagging his tail.
As time passed, his physical wounds started healing, but he needed more time to mend his broken heart and overcome his trauma.

His caregivers showed him kindness and gave him a lot of love. They hoped to gain his trust and help him become the dog he was always supposed to be.
Gradually, Chance started realizing that his rescuers were good humans. The defeated look on his face started fading and his eyes twinkled with newly-found hope.

The pooch cuddled with his caregivers and he soaked up their love. However, he remained cautious toward other people.
Wishing to help him overcome his fear of the world, his heroes took him to many places.
Hoping To Get His Happy Ending

Little by little, Chance began feeling safe. He became affectionate toward new people and he no longer flinched when someone tried to stroke him.
Chance made a remarkable transformation. From the broken pup who was waiting for his end, he blossomed into a delightful dog who was full of life.

The incredible pup has been waiting for his forever home, but unfortunately, he keeps getting overlooked.
If you wish to welcome a wonderful and loving pup into your life, contact D&A Animal Rescue and let Chance steal your heart with his sweet personality.
The adorable boi deserves to finally get his happily ever after.