For a dog, parting with his favorite human is perhaps the most painful moment in his short life.
Unfortunately, many owners either do not understand this or do not want to understand it. So, in recent years, there has been an increasing number of dogs who suddenly find themselves inside the four walls of a kennel after many years of being in a warm home.
This is exactly what happened to Chai – a four-year-old dog whose owner, without any explanation, just handed her over to animal control and left. The picture of her sad look quickly spread on the Internet and broke many hearts.
But, apart from that, many people were also intrigued by her mysterious breed.
That Heartbroken Look

After Chai was left at animal control, on January 9, her picture from the shelter was soon shared by many people online.
It didn’t take long for the image to come to the attention of the folks at Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, in Atlanta, Georgia. They reacted quickly and decided to take care of this abandoned girl with a sad look.
“She was happy and loving when she arrived but slowly began to shut down,” Jackie Spett, the marketing and development director at Angels, told Newsweek.
The desperate state in which this dog slowly began to fall in was the best proof that the shelter was not the right place for her. That’s why they decided to react quickly, and on January 12, managed to find her a foster home in Atlanta, Georgia.
“Her foster will keep her for a mandatory 14-day quarantine period, and then she can be adopted, as long as she remains healthy and free of any other concerns,” Spett said. “Chai’s foster says she is always on the move, so an active family or individual would be best.”

Although her look was still a bit sad and worried, Chai began to relax a little and show her true colors in the comfort of a loving home.
Her fans on the Internet quickly found out about this news and were more than delighted. However, many of them were still “troubled” by one question related to this dog.
People Kept Guessing
Two days after she found her new home, Angels Among Us Pet Rescue shared Chai’s story in their Facebook post.
In addition to describing the situation in which this poor girl suddenly found herself, they began the caption of this post with the question: “Anybody know What Breed I Am?”
That sentence attracted a lot of attention. Many people started guessing and predictions mostly included a Dachshund mix, and a German Shepherd and Labrador mix. Spett also said that another popular choice was “the good old Georgia brown dog.”
The post very quickly gathered numerous reactions and shares, as well as many comments. In the multitude of comments, however, most people were still focused on the fate of this dog rather than her exact breed.
“Sweet baby. She is beautiful no matter what breed.” one commenter wrote.
“😢💔♥️🙏🙏🙏 poor sweet baby I pray you get a forever loving home full of love and a loving family ♥️🙏🙏,” another person commented.
And, a third one quipped: “She looks absolutely depressed. Poor baby. How could anyone leave her behind”
We also don’t understand how anyone could abandon this innocent look, but who are we to judge? In the end, the most important thing is that there are still good people who are there to help and put a smile back on the faces of these canine fellows regardless of breed.