Wolf Dog Price: 5 Things You Want To Know

They Need A Lot Of Space

Wolf Dogs should be kept in a big enclosure… to be more specific – at least one half to a full acre is necessary so that they can roam freely.

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Dog House And Vegetation

Yes, your Wolfie needs a dog house, too. It should be big enough, and with a shelf so that it can sit up high when the weather is bad.

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Possible Vet Costs

Not every vet is able and willing to take care of a Wolf Dog. Vet visits vary depending on the issue and may cost extra.

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Legal Issues

These are the states that do not allow Wolf Dogs. You can get fined for owning one, and Wolfies can get confiscated and euthanized in these states!

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Not A Typical Dog Diet

Wolf Dogs should be fed raw meat and raw whole bones, to be specific – at several pounds a day. This is quite expensive in the long run.

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