Red Cantonese Bear Dog:  Real Or Fake?

Red Cantonese Bear Dog:  Real Or Fake?

Where Did It Come From?

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The Red Cantonese Bear Dog originated from China, or more specifically, around the city of Guangzhou.

Is The Red Cantonese Bear Dog Real?

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Given that there is practically no fact-checked information on these dogs on any reputable sources, we tend to think that it’s all just an internet hoax.

Chow Chow Rumors

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One of the theories that circulated online was that the Chinese Red Dog was actually a Chow Chow.

Adopting A Red Cantonese Bear Dog

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Most of the so-called breeders that claim they are selling purebred Red Cantonese Bear Dog puppies online are limited to a few questionable photos.

Internet Hoax

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Hoaxers would simply groom other, similar-looking dog breeds in a certain way that would make them look like a red bear dog