German Shepherd Feeding Chart: 7 Things You NEED To Know

Transition Period

Puppy mush is essentially a mixture of dry dog food with a replacement for the mother’s milk (i.e. formula) or water.

Importance Of Feeding Schedule

It’s important to set their feeding schedule during the third and fourth months of the pup’s life to establish healthy eating habits.

Switching To Adult Food

Your vet is the only one who can tell you when your dog has achieved maturity and when it is safe for you to switch them over to adult food.

No Puppy Food In Adult GSDs

Consuming food filled with calories to a dog that has already reached its full grown size will only result in an obese pup.

Senior Dogs

Because larger adults also have a tendency to slow down their digestion, choosing a diet that is higher in fiber for your senior GSD can be a smart idea.

Feeding Amount

Generally, it can be said that adult German Shepherds require 2100 calories per day at most.

Level Of Activity

The fact that German Shepherds are active, sturdy, and agile adds to the need for shifts in their diet as they grow up.