5 Crusty Dog Nose Causes From Least To Most Serious

1. Your Dog Is So Hungry, It Inhales Food

A dog's nose sniffs the food while eating and sticking the tip of the nose. Some of it ends up getting stuck to the skin.

2. Noses Hate Cold

Radiators and heat vents make the humidity evaporate from the air, thus creating the ideal conditions for a dry dog nose.

3. Allergic Reaction

A dog's nose sniffs the food while eating and sticking the tip of the nose. Some of it ends up getting stuck to the skin.

4. Nasal Hyperkeratosis

Pemphigus, distemper, autoimmune, and leishmaniasis are among the most common causes of nasal hyperkeratosis.

5. Distemper Is Not Pretty

While there are lots of symptoms, one that appears in most cases of distemper is the thickening of paw pads.