13 Shy Dog Breeds: Meet The Timid Side Of Our Furry Friends

1. Beagle

Beagles are a curious and loyal small dog breed who were bred to be hunting dogs. But they can sometimes be timid.

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2. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a needy dog who does not like to be left alone, especially for long periods of time. At the same time, he can be timid and sensitive.

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3. Chihuahua

Although outgoing and social, timid Chihuahua might become an aggressive Chihuahua, which is something we definitely want to avoid.

4. Lhasa Apso

With their family, Lhasa Apso dogs are loving and comical pooches, but when it comes to strangers, they might act aloof and shy.

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5. Maltese

The Maltese is a gentle and charming small dog that usually loves people and is always ready for new adventures. But, it might also sometimes be shy.

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6. Papillon

So, most Papillon dogs will not show shyness or aggressiveness. However, a lack of socialization can make even the most outgoing dog become shy.

7. Pekingese

If you have had any other dog breed before, you might be surprised how long your Pekingese will take to become social with other people and other dogs.

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8. Pug

Even if your Pug is perfectly outgoing inside your home, he might show shyness when meeting strangers.

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9. Yorkshire Terrier

Some Yorkies are extremely friendly when they are with their human family, but then become very quiet when there are visitors in the house.

10. Dalmatian

If not properly socialized, Dalmatians can be very shy around strangers and other dogs. Shyness can develop into fear and aggressive behavior.

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11. English Bulldog

An interesting fact about English Bulldogs is that they are even more shy with other pets, than they are with people.

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12. Siberian Husky

If you notice that your Husky is shy, this can be a result of a lack of socialization or due to some traumatic experience from the past.

13. Akita Inu

Akitas are not friendly towards strangers. Most of the time, this dog will be very quiet and shy while strangers are around him.