Four little puppies felt confused when their owner put them in a cardboard box and placed them in their car. The furbabies huddled up in the box, feeling helpless and scared of the dark.
They couldn’t imagine that their family was getting rid of them.
It was freezing cold when their owner took them out of their car and dumped them at a parking lot of the Central Missouri Humane Society, a shelter located in Columbia, Missouri.
Frightened and shivering with cold, the puppies hugged each other, trying to keep warm.
They hoped that someone would rush to their rescue on the most terrible night of their lives and bring them to safety.
A Mysterious Cardboard Box

Fortunately, the puppies didn’t have to spend the night outside.
The shelter staff saw when a person got out of the car, left the mysterious cardboard box behind, and drove off.
Thinking that there could be something alive inside the box, the team rushed to investigate.
“We weren’t entirely sure what was going to be in the box, but based on how fast they sped away, we assumed it would be something alive,” the Central Missouri Humane Society wrote in a Facebook post.
When the shelter staff opened the box, they were surprised to discover four little puppies staring at them.
The team felt heartbroken because the puppies’ owner dumped them outside in the harsh conditions.
Aware that the furbabies wouldn’t have survived if they hadn’t been discovered on time, the staff posted a poignant plea on their social media, urging people not to abandon their animals.
“We are pleading with people to not dump animals, especially in these extreme conditions. Had we not found these puppies right away, they probably would not have made it in the 15° weather,” the Missouri shelter added.
Safe And Warm
The staff brought the box with the puppies inside the shelter.
The puppies felt safe and warm. Their caregivers took them to a vet clinic where they were checked.
As soon as their one-week stray hold expires, the puppies will be available for adoption.
Since the shelter posted their photo on social media, many people fell in love with the adorable pups.
The shelter received about fifteen adoption applications the first night after sharing the puppies’ heartbreaking story.
I’m sure all the furbabies will soon move into their forever homes and receive all the love they deserve.
Thanks to their human friends at the Central Missouri Humane Society, the puppies will forget their rough start in life and find the happiness they always dreamed of.